The Anti-Spam SMTP Proxy (ASSP) Server project aims to create an open source platform-independent SMTP Proxy server which implements auto-whitelists, self learning Bayesian, Greylisting, DNSBL, DNSWL, URIBL, SPF, SRS, Backscatter, Virus scanning, attachment blocking, Senderbase and multiple other filter methods.
- Multiple Weighted DNSBLs
- Multiple Weighted URIBLs
- Greylisting
- Weighted Regular Expression Filtering
- Bayesian
- Penalty Box
- SenderBase
- Attachment Blocking
- ClamAV and FileScan
- Blocking Reporting
- LDAP support
- Backscatter Detection
- V2 - recipient replacement / GUI user access rights management
- V2 - MIME charset conversion / DKIM check and signing
- V2 - multi DB support for all hashes / level based open plugin support
- V2 - transparent TCP proxy support
- V2 - Plugins: archive, full attachment check and replacement, OCR
- V2 - damping (steal spammers time)
- V2 - AUTH to relay host / POP3 collector
- V2 - configuration value and file synchronization
- V2 - Block Reports design could be customized
- V2 - Razor2 and DCC support via Plugin
- V2 - SNMP support (monitoring, configuring, controll-API)
- V2 - user group import (file or LDAP or command based)
- V2 - automatic crash analyzer Hidden Markov Model
- V2 - IPv6 socket support
- V2 - word stemming (several languages) for Bayesian analyzer
- V2 - Perl module autoupdate via PPM or CPAN
- V2 - Hidden Markov Model spam detection engine
- V2 - full unicode support
- V2 - DMARC support
- V2 - privat Whitelist (legacy, domain based, user based)
- V2 - privat IP and Domain lists (legacy, domain based, user based)
- V2 - CPU affinity settings
- V2 - web file commander
- V2 - graphical statistic output (SVG)
- V2 - native SSL support for target hosts
- V2 - client SSL-certificate validation
- V2 - privat SMIME signing
- V2 - corporate SMIME signing, using a single privat certificate
- V2 - content based executable attachment blocking
- V2 - content based compressed attachment blocking
- V2 - BATV check and signing
- V2 - Message-ID signing and check FBMTV
- V2 - remote support
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